Can Interior Window Condensation Lead To Mold?

Your windows are a lot more than just a nice view of the outdoors. They greatly contribute to your home’s energy efficiency, that is, if they’re performing the way they should be. During the winter, when the temperature dips below freezing, you may start to notice moisture forming as condensation or frost on the windows inside your home.

Moisture and condensation may not seem like an immediate threat to your home’s integrity; however, failing to pay attention to window condensation can lead to wood rot, water damage, and the development of harmful mold. Unfortunately, this mold can be very damaging to your home and to your family’s health.

Interior window condensation forms in the winter when the warm air inside the house condenses on the cold windows. Oftentimes, condensation inside windows occurs behind a closed curtain or behind furniture or the bed. Interior condensation could be happening for a number of reasons. Failed window seals in the window glass, high levels of humidity in the home, or even from not running the oven or bathroom fans while cooking & showering.

Is interior window condensation a cause for alarm? It depends on where it accumulates. If you notice any discoloration along the bottom seal of your windows or if you have condensation forming between window panes, pay close attention and have your windows checked for proper installation & glass failure. The important thing to realize is that interior condensation on your windows is a warning sign & you need to address the problem before it causes any major damage to your home.

If you have questions or concerns, Stonebrook Exterior is here to help. Give us a call TODAY at 402-438-5559 to schedule a free consultation.